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I was invited to participate in the annual 12" x 12" exhibition at CityArts Orlando in 2021. A Bee's Journey is one of two artworks I created for this show, depicting the same night scene from different angles and perspectives. 


This series builds upon my older original painting Save the Bees, but with a different twist. Rather than warm bright colors, cool tones were used to emulate a different emotion and story.


Here, the bee is still embarking on its journey to pollinate flowers and preserve our ecosystems rather than already resting upon its destination. Though it has been a difficult journey and she hasn't quite reached her goal, she sees her landing place. This bee is traveling at night, contrary to their normal behavior, when the human world has slowed and gone to sleep. In the quiet of the moonlit night, mystical forests come alive and sparks of hope for the beauty of nature ignite and drift to the sky - finding and calling upon other light souls to take part in this important work.

A Bee's Journey

  • 12" x 12" 

    Acrylic on Canvas


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